Train Trip Austria (04/2012)

I had written a big post telling all about this trip we made, but it got lost somehow =(
Here’s a summary of everything and everywhere (in the order in which we visited):

– Mozart’s houses, both where he was born and where he lived until moving to Vienna
– Schloss Mirabell: no, it’s not a palace made of cookies. It’s very pretty though.
– Untersberg: mountain on the border of Austria and Germany, from where we can see the alps. I dare to say it was the prettiest place of the whole trip. It’s pictures are at the end of the album.

– Swarovski Kristallwelten: art exhibition of Swarovski pieces (with some disturbing parts)
– Bergisel: ski jump platform designed by Zaha Hadid
– Cafe Munding: best smelling cafe in the whole world!

– Shattenburg: medieval castle with museum

– By the Bodensee
– Saint Martin’s gate and tower
– Walk of 10 kms in the rain to Lindau (Germany)
– PfĂ€nder mountain (snow again!)
– Three country cruise