Three weeks of conferences and no weekends. Next stop, GUADEC 2014 🙂
For the past weeks I have been (still am!) busy with VSL, the big logic event going on in Vienna this summer, and with my PhD. For this reason my google summer of code project was a bit delayed 🙁
I am looking forward to going back working on it, specially because there was some progress before chaos took over and I really want to finish what I have started. I basically used patches from gpoo and Anuj (the other gsoc student working on evince) and implemented text markup annotations (highlight, underline, squiggly and strike out) to evince. Although they implemented free text and line annotations, these depend on some changes to poppler. For text markup, poppler seems to be ready to go, and I guess these are nice annotation that people use more anyway.
The days before GUADEC will be evince 24/7 to finish these annotations!
Looking forward 🙂